
New Papers (AGU etc.) 2024/8/12-2024/8/18

 Geophysical Research Letters

1. Future Changes in the Winter Beaufort High Under Warming Climate Scenarios

Minghong Zhang, William Perrie, Zhenxia Long



Climate of the Past


2. 50-year seasonal variability in East African droughts and floods recorded in central Afar lake sediments (Ethiopia) and their connections with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation

Carlo Mologni, Marie Revel, Eric Chaumillon, Emmanuel Malet, Thibault Coulombier, Pierre Sabatier, Pierre Brigode, Gwenael Hervé, Anne-Lise Develle, Laure Schenini, Medhi Messous, Gourguen Davtian, Alain Carré, Delphine Bosch, Natacha Volto, Clément Ménard, Lamya Khalidi, and Fabien Arnaud


3. South Asian summer monsoon enhanced by the uplift of the Iranian Plateau in Middle Miocene

Meng Zuo, Yong Sun, Yan Zhao, Gilles Ramstein, Lin Ding, and Tianjun Zhou


4. Postglacial environmental changes in the northwestern Barents Sea caused by meltwater outbursts

Dhanushka Devendra, Natalia Szymańska, Magdalena Łącka, Małgorzata Szymczak-Żyła, Magdalena Krajewska, Maciej M. Telesiński, and Marek Zajączkowski


5. New age constraints for glacial terminations IV, III, and III.a based on Western Mediterranean speleothem records

Judit Torner, Isabel Cacho, Heather Stoll, Ana Moreno, Joan O. Grimalt, Francisco J. Sierro, Hai Cheng, and R. Lawrence Edwards


6. Late Pleistocene glacial terminations accelerated by proglacial lakes

Meike D. W. Scherrenberg, Constantijn J. Berends, and Roderik S. W. van de Wal


7. Modelling Mediterranean ocean biogeochemistry of the Last Glacial Maximum

Katharina D. Six, Uwe Mikolajewicz, and Gerhard Schmiedl



Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


8. Circulation and Hydrography in the Northwestern Barents Sea: Insights From Recent Observations and Historical Data (1950–2022)

Eivind H. Kolås, Till M. Baumann, Ragnheid Skogseth, Zoe Koenig, Ilker Fer



GSA Bulletin


9. Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the southern Simao Basin, SE Tibetan Plateau, and its paleogeographic implications

Dawen Zhang; Maodu Yan; Xiaomin Fang; Weilin Zhang; Miaomiao Shen; Chunhui Song