New Papers(AGU,EGU,GSA)
Geophysical Research Letters
1. Common climatic signal from glaciers in the European Alps over the last 50 years
C. Vincent, A. Fischer, C. Mayer, A. Bauder, S. P. Galos, M. Funk, E. Thibert, D. Six, L. Braun, M. Huss
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
2. An evaluation of benthic foraminiferal U/Ca and U/Mn proxies for deep ocean carbonate chemistry and redox conditions
Pujiao Chen, Jimin Yu, Zhangdong Jin
3. Bulk sediment 14C dating in an estuarine environment – How accurate can it be?
Bryan C. Lougheed, Stephen P. Obrochta, Conny Lenz, Anette Mellström, Brett Metcalfe, Raimund Muscheler, Maja Reinholdsson, Ian Snowball, Lovisa Zillén
4. 20th century warming of the tropical Atlantic captured by Sr-U paleothermometry
Alice E. Alpert, Anne L. Cohen, Delia W. Oppo, Thomas M. DeCarlo, Glenn A. Gaetani, Edwin A. Hernandez-Delgado, Amos Winter, Meagan E. Gonneea
Climate of the past
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
GSA Bulletin
JGR: Oceans
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