
New Papers Nature, Science… (12/11 – 12/17 ,2017)

 New Papers Nature, Science… (12/11 – 12/17 ,2017)

1. Fire frequency drives decadal changes in soil carbon and nitrogen and ecosystem productivity
Adam F. A. Pellegrini, Anders Ahlström, Sarah E. Hobbie, Peter B. Reich, Lars P. Nieradzik, A. Carla Staver, Bryant C. Scharenbroch, Ari Jumpponen, William R. L. Anderegg, James T. Randerson & Robert B. Jackson

2. A Paleocene penguin from New Zealand substantiates multiple origins of gigantism in fossil Sphenisciformes
Gerald Mayr, R. Paul Scofield, Vanesa L. De Pietri & Alan J. D. Tennyson

3. Initiation and long-term instability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Sean P. S. Gulick, Amelia E. Shevenell, Aleksandr Montelli, Rodrigo Fernandez, Catherine Smith, Sophie Warny, Steven M. Bohaty, Charlotte Sjunneskog, Amy Leventer, Bruce Frederick & Donald D. Blankenship

Nature Geoscience
4. Creeping subduction zones are weaker than locked subduction zones
Jeanne L. Hardebeck & John P. Loveless

5. Effects of primitive photosynthesis on Earth’s early climate system
Kazumi Ozaki, Eiichi Tajika, Peng K. Hong, Yusuke Nakagawa & Christopher T. Reinhard

Nature Climate Change
6. The health of Antarctic ice shelves (NEWS & VIEWS)

Olivier Gagliardini

7. The far reach of ice-shelf thinning in Antarctica

R. Reese, G. H. Gudmundsson, A. Levermann & R. Winkelmann

8. Causes of ice age intensification across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Thomas B. Chalk, Mathis P. Hain, Gavin L. Foster, Eelco J. Rohling, Philip F. Sexton, Marcus P. S. Badger, Soraya G. Cherry, Adam P. Hasenfratz, Gerald H. Haug, Samuel L. Jaccard, Alfredo Martinez–Garcia, Heiko Palike, Richard D. Pancost, Paul A. Wilson

9. Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface
Laurence C. Smith, Kang Yang, Lincoln H Pitcher, Brandon T. Overstreet, Vena W. Chu, Asa K. Rennermalm, Jonathan C. Ryan, Matthew G. Cooper, Colin J. Gleason, Marco Tedesco, Jeyavinoth Jeyaratnam, Dirk van As, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Willem Jan van de Berg, Brice Noel, Peter L. Langen, Richard I. Cullather, Bin Zhao, Michael J. Willis, Alun Hubbard, Jason E. Box, Brittany A. Jenner, Alberto E. Behar

10. Storm, rogue wave, or tsunami origin for megaclast deposits in western Ireland and North Island, New Zealand?
John F. Dewey, Paul D. Ryan

11. Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate
Gabor Uȷvari, Thomas Stevens, Mihaly Molnar, Attila Demeny, Fabrice Lambert, Gyorgy Varga, A. J. Timothy Jull, Barna Pall–Gergely, Jan–Pieter Buylaert, Janos Kovacs