
New Papers 2019 November 25 – December 01 (Elsevier)

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
1.     Multi-proxy speleothem record of climate instability during the early last interglacial in southern Turkey
P.J. Rowe, L.B. Wickens, D. Sahy, A.D. Marca, E. Peckover, S. Noble, M. Özkul, M.O. Baykara, I.L. Millar, J.E. Andrews

2.     Environmental changes in the East Equatorial Pacific during the Mid Pleistocene Transition and implications for the Last Global Extinction of benthic foraminifera
Paula Diz, Irene Peñalver-Clavel, Iván Hernández-Almeida, Stefano M. Bernasconi

Global and Planetary Change
3.     Chronostratigraphic framework of the East China Sea since MIS 6 from geomagnetic paleointensity and environmental magnetic records
Zhaoxia Jiang, Chunsheng Jin, Zhongbo Wang, Qingsong Liu, Sanzhong Li, Zhengquan Yao

4.     Did North Atlantic cooling and freshening from 3.65–3.5 Ma preconditioned Northern Hemisphere ice sheet growth?
Cyrus Karas, Nabil Khélifi, André Bahr, B.D.A. Naafs, Dirk Nürnberg, Jens O. Herrle

Quaternary International
5.     New perspectives on movement of humans, animals, and materials in the South Central Andes from the Early Peopling to the Inca Empire (11,000 BC- AD 1540): A multidisciplinary approach
Francisca Santana-Sagredo, Mauricio Uribe

6.     ESR and U-Th dating results for Last Interglacial coral reef terraces at the northern coast of Cuba
Patrick Schielein, Christoph Burow, Jesus Pajon, Reinaldo Rojas Consuegra, Jian-xin Zhao, Gerhard Schellmann

Quaternary Science Reviews
7.     A review of evidence of glacially-induced faulting and seismic shaking in eastern Canada
Gregory R. Brooks, John Adams

8.     Southern Ocean link between changes in atmospheric CO2 levels and northern-hemisphere climate anomalies during the last two glacial periods
Julia Gottschalk, Luke C. Skinner, Samuel L. Jaccard, Laurie Menviel, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Claire Waelbroeck

9.     Southern Ocean temperature records and ice-sheet models demonstrate rapid Antarctic ice sheet retreat under low atmospheric CO2 during Marine Isotope Stage 31

Beltran Catherine, Nicholas R. Golledge, Ohneiser Christian, Douglas E. Kowalewski, Sicre Marie-Alexandrine, Kimberly J. Hageman, Smith Robert, Gary S. Wilson, Mainié François