
New papers 2019/12/2-8 (Nature, Science, erc...)

Nature Communications
1.   Large Igneous Province thermogenic greenhouse gas flux could have initiated Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum climate change
Stephen M. Jones, Murray Hoggett, Sarah E. Greene & Tom Dunkley Jones 

2.   Seawater softening of suture zones inhibits fracture propagation in Antarctic ice shelves
Bernd Kulessa, Adam D. Booth, Martin O’Leary, Daniel McGrath, Edward C. King, Adrian J. Luckman, Paul R. Holland, Daniela Jansen, Suzanne L. Bevan, Sarah S. Thompson

Nature Geoscience
3.   Great Oxidation and Lomagundi events linked by deep cycling and enhanced degassing of carbon
James Eguchi, Johnny Seales and Rajdeep Dasgupta

4.   A diurnal carbon engine explains 13C-enriched carbonates without increasing the global production of oxygen

Emily C. Geymana, and Adam C. Maloofa