
New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/6/26-2024/7/2

Climate of the Past

1. Pfister, C., Brönnimann, S., Altwegg, A., Brázdil, R., Litzenburger, L., Lorusso, D., & Pliemon, T. (2024). 600 years of wine must quality and April to August temperatures in western Europe 1420–2019. Climate of the Past, 20(6), 1387-1399.

2. Duan, P., Li, H., Ma, Z., Zhao, J., Dong, X., Sinha, A., ... & Cheng, H. (2024). A series of climate oscillations around 8.2 ka revealed through multi-proxy speleothem records from North China. Climate of the Past, 20(6), 1401-1414.

3. Muschitiello, F., & Aquino-Lopez, M. A. (2024). Continuous synchronization of the Greenland ice-core and U–Th timescales using probabilistic inversion. Climate of the Past, 20(6), 1415-1435.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

4. Beaudry, P., & Sverjensky, D. A. (2024). Oxidized sulfur species in slab fluids as a source of enriched sulfur isotope signatures in arcs. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(7), e2024GC011542.

5. Fontenot, K., DeLong, K. L., Schubert, B. A., Warny, S., Wallace, D. J., Miller, C. M., ... & Caporaso, A. (2024). Snapshots of coastal ecology using multiproxy analysis reveals insights into the preservation of swamp and marsh environments since the late Pleistocene. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(7), e2024GC011489.

New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/7/16-2024/7/22

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

1. A Geochemical Mechanism for >10 m Apparent Downward Offsets of Magnetic Reversals Inferred From Comparison of Two Scotia Sea Drill Sites

Brendan T. Reilly, Lisa Tauxe, Stefanie A. Brachfeld, Bridget Kenlee, Marcus Gutjahr, Andrew W. Dale, Iván Hernández-Almeida, Sidney Hemming, Ian Bailey, Xufeng Zheng, Daven Cheu, Reece Taglienti, Michael E. Weber, Maureen E. Raymo, Trevor Williams

2. Frontal Thrust Ramp‐Up and Slow Earthquakes Due To Underthrusting of Basement High in the Nankai Trough

G. Kimura, K. Shiraishi, Y. Nakamura, S. Kodaira, G. Fujie, R. Arai, G. F. Moore

Geophysical Research Letters

3. Obliquity Pacing of Deep Pacific Carbonate Chemistry During the Plio‐Pleistocene

Bingbin Qin, Zhifang Xiong, Thomas J. Algeo, Qi Jia, Dirk Nürnberg, Tiegang Li

4. Resilience of Snowball Earth to Stochastic Events

Guillaume Chaverot, Andrea Zorzi, Xuesong Ding, Jonathan Itcovitz, Bowen Fan, Siddharth Bhatnagar, Aoshuang Ji, Robert J. Graham, Tushar Mittal

5. From Shelfbreak to Shoreline: Coastal Sea Level and Local Ocean Dynamics in the Northwest Atlantic

C. M. L. Camargo, C. G. Piecuch, B. Raubenheimer

Journal of Geophysical Research C. Oceans 

6. What Drives the Mean Along‐Shelf Flow in the Northwest Atlantic Coastal Ocean?

Ke Chen, Jiayan Yang

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

7. Diverse Orbital‐Scale Variations of Precipitation Oxygen Isotopes in the Northern Hemisphere Mid‐Latitudes: A Comparative Study Between East Asia and North America

Yuanyuan Li, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaoxun Xie, Zhi-Yong Yin

Climate of the Past

8. Reconstructing Younger Dryas ground temperature and snow thickness from cave deposits

Paul Töchterle, Anna Baldo, Julian B. Murton, Frederik Schenk, R. Lawrence Edwards, Gabriella Koltai, and Gina E. Moseley

9. Characterization of the 1966 Camp Century Sub-Glacial Core: A Multiscale Analysis

Catherine M. Collins, Nicolas Perdrial, Pierre-Henri Blard, Nynke Keulen, William C. Mahaney, Halley Mastro, Juliana Souza, Donna M. Rizzo, Yves Marrocchi, Paul C. Knutz, and Paul R. Bierman

10. Possible provenance of IRD by tracing late Eocene Antarctic iceberg melting using a high-resolution ocean model

Mark Vinz Elbertsen, Erik van Sebille, and Peter Kristian Bijl


11. Composite calcite and opal test in Foraminifera (Rhizaria)

Julien Richirt, Satoshi Okada, Yoshiyuki Ishitani, Katsuyuki Uematsu, Akihiro Tame, Kaya Oda, Noriyuki Isobe, Toyoho Ishimura, Masashi Tsuchiya, and Hidetaka Nomaki

Geological Society of America Bulletin

12. Oceanic anoxic event 3 in Arctic Canada—Arc volcanism and ocean fertilization drove anoxia 

Stephen E. Grasby; James L. Crowley; Michael T. Mohr; Jeanne B. Percival; Omid H. Ardakani; Jennifer Galloway; Manuel Bringué; I. Rod Smith; Wanju Yuan


New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/7/9-2024/7/15

 Geophysical Research Letters

1.Observing and Modeling ShortTerm Changes in Basal Friction During RainInduced SpeedUps on an Alpine Glacier
Anuar Togaibekov, Florent Gimbert, Adrien Gilbert, Andrea Walpersdorf

2. Comparisons of Greenhouse Gas Observation Satellite Performances Over Seoul Using a Portable GroundBased Spectrometer
Hayoung Park, Sujong Jeong, Mahesh Kumar Sha, Jonghyuk Lee, Matthias Max Frey

3. Limited Benefits of Increased Spatial Resolution for Sea Ice in HighResMIP Simulations
J. Selivanova, D. Iovino, M. Vichi

4. Cloud Height Distributions and the Role of Vertical Mixing in the Tropical Cyclone Eye Derived From Compact Raman Lidar Observations
Ethan J. Murray, Jason Dunion, Kristopher B. Karnauskas, Zhien Wang, Jun A. Zhang

5. Nutrient Replenishment by Turbulent Mixing in Suspended Macroalgal Farms
Tong Bo, James C. McWilliams, Christina A. Frieder, Kristen A. Davis, Marcelo Chamecki

6. Transport Pathways for Iron Supply to the Australian Antarctic Ridge Phytoplankton Bloom
A. Vanegas Ledesma, L. N. Thomas

7. Physics-Informed Convolutional Decoder (PICD): A Novel Approach for Direct Inversion of Heterogeneous Subsurface Flow
Nanzhe Wang, Xiang-Zhao Kong, Dongxiao Zhang
9. Increases of Offshore Wind Potential in a Warming World
Cheng Shen, Zhi-Bo Li, Hui-Shuang Yuan, Yue Yu, Yadong Lei, Deliang Chen

10. Evaluating the Seasonal Responses of Southern Ocean Sea Surface Temperature to Southern Annular Mode in CMIP6 Models
Yihang Hu, Wenshou Tian, Yuxin Dong, Jiankai Zhang

 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
11. Water Geochemistry and Stable Isotope Changes Record Groundwater Mixing After a Regional Earthquake in Northeast India
Sourav Kumar, Michael Manga, Archana M. Nair, Abhishek Dixit, Chandan Mahanta

12. Forearc Variability and the Geochemical Diversity of Suprasubduction Zone Ophiolites: Insights From the Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway
Naomi A. Becker, Wendy R. Nelson, Joseph F. Browning-Hanson, Freya R. George, James L. Crowley, Daniel R. Viete
13. Geochemical Split Among the Suspended and Mud Sediments in the Nethravati River: Insights to Compositional Similarity of Peninsular Gneiss and the Deccan Basalt Derived Sediments, and Its Implications on Tracing the Provenance in the Indian Ocean
G. P. Gurumurthy
14. PlumeDriven Subduction Termination in 3D Mantle Convection Models
Erin Heilman, 
Thorsten W. Becker
15. Seamless Map of Depth to the Moho Interface in the AfroArabian Region Using Gravity Data Derived From EGM2008
Elias Lewi
16. Factors Contributing to Slab Locations and Geometries in Reconstructions of Past Mantle Flow
Joshua Weber, Nicolas Flament
17. Geochemical Split Among the Suspended and Mud Sediments in the Nethravati River: Insights to Compositional Similarity of Peninsular Gneiss and the Deccan Basalt Derived Sediments, and Its Implications on Tracing the Provenance in the Indian Ocean
G. P. Gurumurthy
18. Forearc Variability and the Geochemical Diversity of Suprasubduction Zone Ophiolites: Insights From the Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway
Naomi A. Becker, Wendy R. Nelson, Joseph F. Browning-Hanson, Freya R. George, James L. Crowley, Daniel R. Viete
19. Full Vector Inversion of Magnetic Microscopy Images Using Euler Deconvolution as Prior Information
Gelson F. Souza-Junior, Leonardo Uieda, Ricardo I. F. Trindade, Janine Carmo, Roger Fu

Journal of Geophysical Research C. Oceans 

20. A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Size, Density, and Shape on the Wave‐Induced Transport of Floating Marine Litter
R. Calvert, A. Peytavin,Y. Pham, A. Duhamel,J. van der Zanden,S. M. van Essen, B. Sainte-Rose,T. S. van den Bremer

21. Quantifying Biogeochemical Controls of Open Ocean CDOM From a Global Mechanistic Model
Kana Yamamoto, Tim DeVries, David A. Siegel,Norman B. Nelson

22. Internal Waves Force Elevated Turbulent Mixing at Barkley Canyon
Kurtis J. Anstey, Jody M. Klymak,Steven F. Mihaly, Richard E. Thomson

23. Sea Ice Interannual Variability and Sensitivity to Fall Oceanic Conditions and Winter Air Temperature in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
Peter S. Galbraith, Caroline Sévigny, Daniel Bourgault, Dany Dumont

24. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Turbulent Mixing in the Deep Northwestern Pacific
Qifan Song, Chun Zhou, Xin Xiao, Hao Xun, Zichen Tian, Qingxuan Yang, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian

25. Changes in Oceanic Radiocarbon and CFCs Since the 1990s
J. G. Lester, H. D. Graven, S. Khatiwala, A. P. McNichol

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 
26. Incorporation of Multi‐Elements Into Diatom Frustules in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica, Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Sunghan Kim, Bo Kyung Kim,Kyu-Cheul Yoo,Min Kyung Lee, Jae Il Lee, Sookwan Kim,Young-Suk Bak

Climate of the Past 
27. Simulation of a former ice field with Parallel Ice Sheet Model – Snežnik study case
Matjaž Depolli, Manja Žebre, Uroš Stepišnik, and Gregor Kosec
28. Pollen-based climatic reconstructions for the interglacial analogues of MIS 1 (MIS 19, 11 and 5) in the Southwestern Mediterranean: insights from ODP Site 976
Dael Sassoon, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, Odile Peyron, Adele Bertini, Francesco Toti, Vincent Lebreton, and Marie-Hélène Moncel
29. Large-ensemble simulations of the North American and Greenland ice sheets at the Last Glacial Maximum with a coupled atmospheric general circulation–ice sheet model
Sam Sherriff-Tadano, Ruza Ivanovic, Lauren Gregoire, Charlotte Lang, Niall Gandy, Jonathan Gregory, Tamsin L. Edwards, Oliver Pollard, and Robin S. Smith

Geological Society of American Bulletin
30. Reconstructing paleoenvironments of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA, using paired triple oxygen and carbonate clumped isotope measurements
Jordan A.G. Wostbrock; James D. Witts; Yang Gao; Catherine Peshek; Corinne E. Myers; Gregory Henkes; Zachary D. Sharp
31. Dynamic redox conditions in Mesoproterozoic shallow seawater: Constraints from carbonate fabrics and geochemistry
Longfei Sun; Xiaoying Shi; Xiqiang Zhou; Limin Zhou; Kangjun Huang; Lei Xu; Baozeng Xie; Xinqiang Wang; Dongjie Tang



























New Papers (Elsevier) 2023/7/2-2023/7/9

Chemical Geology 


Earth and Planetary Science Letters 

1. Sources of dissolved carbon in large rivers: Insights from coupled 13C-14C in the upper Changjiang (Yangtze) River

Jun Zhong a, Albert Galy b, Scott Zolkos c, Sheng Xu a, Cong-Qiang Liu a, Si-Liang Li

2. Evidence against water delivery by impacts within 10 million years of planetesimal formation

B.G. Rider-Stokes a, A. Stephant a b, M. Anand a c, I.A. Franchi a, X. Zhao a, L.F. White a, A. Yamaguchi d, R.C. Greenwood a, S.L. Jackson a

3. Influence of water mass mixing and hydrothermal processes on the distribution of dissolved Nd isotopes and concentrations in the South Pacific

Henning Waltemathe a, Torben Struve a, Matthias Rehbein a b, Katharina Pahnke a

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

4. Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in fjord waters: Comparison between seawater in the Trondheimfjord (Norway), its local riverine REY sources and the North Atlantic

Anna-Lena Zocher a, Tomasz Maciej Ciesielski b c, Stefania Piarulli d, Julia Farkas d, Michael Bau a

5. Persistent organic alkalinity in the ocean

Chang-Ho Lee a, Kitack Lee a, Joon-Soo Lee b, Kwang-Young Jeong c, Young-Ho Ko d

6. Anthropogenic iodine-129 tracks iodine cycling in the Arctic

Yuanzhi Qi a, Qiuyu Yang b, Takeyasu Yamagata a, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki a b, Hisao Nagai c, Yuichiro Kumamoto d, Motoyo Itoh d

Global and Planetary Change

7. Mongolia dust transport across borders under the background of global warming

Yue Zhang a b, Yu Chen a, Siyu Chen a, Khan Alam c, Junyan Chen a

8. Hydroclimate variability in the Tropical Andes recorded by δ18O isotopes from a new network of Polylepis tarapacana tree-rings

Claudio Álvarez a b, Duncan A. Christie a b c, Álvaro González-Reyes a d e f, Thomas T. Veblen g, Gerhard Helle h, Carlos LeQuesne a, Milagros Rodríguez-Catón i k, Paul Szejner j, Felipe Flores a c, Tania Gipoulou-Zúñiga a, Manuel Suazo-Álvarez a b, Tomás Muñoz-Salazar a, Diego Aliste a, Mariano S. Morales k, Ariel Muñoz c l m n, Ricardo Villalba k

Marine Geology

9. Foraminiferal analysis of Holocene sea-level rise within the Trinity River Incised Paleo-Valley, Offshore Galveston Bay, Texas

P. Standring a b, C.M. Lowery a, J. Burstein a b 1, J. Swartz a b 2, J.A. Goff a, S.P.S. Gulick a b, C.B. Miller a b

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology

10. 10Be exposure age data reveals last Glacial ice sheet histories in the Larsemann Hills of East Antarctica

Luming Chen a, Zhigang Zhang a b c d, Jingxue Guo a d, Lin Li d, Xueyuan Tang d, Dan Zhao a, Hongmei Zhang a, Yi Lin a

11. Temporal and spatial evolution of wildfires during the Jurassic: From regional to global scale

Wenxu Du a, Dawei Lv a, Zhihui Zhang a, Man Lu b, Dieter Uhl c, Munira Raji d, Luojing Wang a, Aocong Zhang a, Yuzhuang Sun e, Tiantian Wang f, Dongdong Wang a

12. A protracted Mesoproterozoic carbon cycle perturbation in response to volcanism at ~ 1.39 Ga

Yitong Lyu a, Xiaomei Wang a, Huajian Wang a, Sihong Ma a, Yuntao Ye a b, Chengshuai Yuan a, Pengyuan Zhang a, Shuichang Zhang a

13. Weathering, redox proxies and carbon isotope data from the Maokou Formation, Upper Yangtze, South China: Implications for the Guadalupian P3 glaciation of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age

Runan Yong a b, Shi Sun a b, Anqing Chen a b, James G. Ogg a c, Mingcai Hou a b, Shuai Yang a, Shenglin Xu a, Qian Li d

14. Carbon isotope geochemistry and its geological significance in the Jixian system of the Qishan section, Ordos Basin

Qian Zhang a, Wenhui Liu a, Wen Zhang a, Haifeng Bai b, Wenhou Li a, Zhaoyu Li c, Fengjiao Li a, Mengyu Xie a d, Jiayu Zhang a, Fuqi Li a, Xiaofeng Wang a, Dongdong Zhang a, Zhexuan Li a

Quaternary Geochronology

15. High resolution luminescence and radiocarbon dating of Holocene aeolian silt (loess) in west Greenland

Sechi D. a, Stevens T b c, Hällberg P. d, Smittenberg R.H. e, Molnár M. f, Kertész G.T. f, Buylaert J.-P. g, Schneider R. b, Edward C. b c, Andreucci S. h, Pascucci V. a

16. A luminescence-derived cryptostratigraphy from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile, Japan: 45,000 – 30,200 IntCal20 yr BP

Richard A. Staff a b, David C.W. Sanderson a, Charlie L. Rex a, Alan Cresswell a, Masayuki Hyodo c, Ikuko Kitaba d, Michael H. Marshall e, Gordon Schlolaut f, Keitaro Yamada d, Yoshiaki Suzuki g, Vanessa Nowinski h, Ryuji Tada i, Takeshi Nakagawa d

Quaternary International 

17. A late glacial paleoenvironmental and climate record from the Sierra de Juarez, Baja California

Andrea Brunelle a, Vachel A. Carter a c, José Delgadillo Rodríguez b, Vanessa Feagin a, Jennifer Watt a

18. Post-LGM glaciomarine processes revealed by inner shelf sedimentary facies analysis (Terra Nova Bay, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica)

Giulia Giorgetti a b, Carlo Baroni c, Maria Cristina Salvatore c, Luca Gasperini a, Alina Polonia a

19. Identification of climatic tipping points and transitions in Chinese loess grain-size records utilizing nonlinear time series analysis

Haozhong Xue a b, Song Song a b, Mengfan Qiu b c, Xiaofang Huang a, Shiling Yang a b, Zihua Tang a

20. Moche chronology of ancient Peru: Bayesian assessment of radiocarbon dates and ceramic styles from north to south

Michele L. Koons a, Branden Cesare Rizzuto b, Lisa Trever c, Alicia Boswell d, Augusto Bazán Pérez e, Luis A. Muro Ynoñán f, Gabriel Prieto g, Carlos Rengifo h, Kayeleigh Sharp i, Edward Swenson b, Hugo Ikehara-Tsukayama j, Jessica Ortiz Zevallos k, Tirza Cotrina Roncal h, Richard J. George c, Jose M. Capriles l, Fuyuki Tokanai m

Quaternary Research



New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/7/2-2024/7/8


Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (20/month)


Geophysical Research Letters (100/month)

[1] Contribution of Mesoscale Convective Systems to Floods in the East Asian Summer Monsoon Region

Tian Ding, Tianjun Zhou, Zhun Guo, Yuan Yang, Liwei Zou & Xiaolong Chen

[2] Southwest Pacific Ocean Warming Driven by Circulation Changes

P. J. H. Sutton, G. J. Rickard & D. H. Roemmich

[3] A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Quantify ENSO Sources of Predictability

Ioana Colfescu, Hannah Christensen & David John Gagne

[4] Is El Niño-Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System?

Tobias Bayr, Joke F. Lübbecke & Stephanie Fiedler

[5] Climate-Driven Topographic Asymmetry Enhanced by Glaciers: Implications for Drainage Reorganization in Glacial Landscapes

Jingtao Lai & Kimberly Huppert

[6] Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of the Response of Winter Climate and Extreme Weather to Projected Arctic Sea-Ice Loss

Kunhui Ye, Tim Woollings & Sarah N. Sparrow

[7] Meridional Shifts of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies During the Early Cenozoic

Hongjin Chen, Zhaokai Xu, Germain Bayon, Qingchao Fan, Philip A. E. Pogge von Strandmann, Wei Wang, Tianqi Sun & Tiegang Li

[8] Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulates the Impacts of Bering Sea Ice Loss on North American Temperature

Yizhou Gao, Ruonan Zhang, Zhiyan Zuo & Qinglong You

[9] Combined Role of the MJO and ENSO in Shaping Extreme Warming Patterns and Coral Bleaching Risk in the Great Barrier Reef

Catherine H. Gregory, Neil J. Holbrook, Claire M. Spillman & Andrew G. Marshall

Journal of Geophysical Research C. Oceans (20-50/month)

[10] Submesoscale Processes in the Kuroshio Loop Current: Roles in Energy Cascade and Salt and Heat Transports

Tian Tang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jinchao Zhang, Xincheng Zhang, Zhongbin Sun & Zhe Feng

[11] Molecular Composition Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter With Water Depth in Prydz Bay of East Antarctic: Carbon Export Implications

Bin Jiang, Jun Zhao, Dong Li, Liyang Zhan, Zhongyong Gao, Heng Sun, Yuping Zhou, Jianming Pan & Yongge Sun

Paleoceanography (5-20/month)

[12] The Role of Tidal Mixing in Shaping Early Eocene Deep Ocean Circulation and Oxygenation

Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Jeanne Millot-Weil, Casimir de Lavergne, J. A. Mattias Green, Sébastien Nguyen &  Yannick Donnadieu

[13] Oceanography of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Across the Oligocene-Miocene Transition

Diederik Liebrand, Bridget S. Wade, Helen M. Beddow, David J. King, Alexander D. Harrison, Heather J. H. Johnstone, Anna Joy Drury, Heiko Pälike, Appy Sluijs & Lucas J. Lourens

[14] Extreme Planktic Foraminiferal Dwarfism Across the ETM2 in the Tethys Realm in Response to Warming

R. D’Onofrio, R. Barrett, D. N. Schmidt, E. Fornaciari, L. Giusberti, G. Frijia, T. Adatte, N. Sabatino, A. Monsuru, V. Brombin & V. Luciani

[15] Reconstruction of Cenozoic δ11Bsw Using a Gaussian Process

Ross Whiteford, Timothy J. Heaton, Michael J. Henehan, Eleni Anagnostou, Hana Jurikova, Gavin L. Foster & James W. B. Rae

[16] Decoupling Warming and Monsoon Precipitation Over the Last 3110 Years in Northwestern Yunnan Province, Southwestern China

Baoyan Jia, Xiayun Xiao, Changting Chi, Rui Ke & Yanling Li


Climate of the Past

[17] Precise dating of deglacial Laptev Sea sediments via 14C and authigenic 10Be/9Be – assessing local 14C reservoir ages

Nicolas, A., Mollenhauer, G., Lachner, J., Stübner, K., Malter, M., Wollenburg, J., Grotheer, H. & Adolphi, F.

[18] Glacial-interglacial contrasts in the marine inorganic carbon chemistry of the Benguela Upwelling System

Karancz, S., de Nooijer, L. J., van der Wagt, B., van der Meer, M. T. J., Misra, S., Hennekam, R., Erdem, Z., Lattaud, J., Haghipour, N., Schouten, S. & Reichart, G.-J.

[19] Stretched polar vortex increases mid-latitude climate variability during the Last Glacial Maximum

Zhang, Y., Renssen, H., Seppä, H., Li, Z. & Li, X.

[20] Rapid communication: Distribute paleoscience information across the next IPCC reports

Kaufman, D. & Masson-Delmotte, V.


Geological Society of America Bulletin (alternate month)



New Papers (ELSEVIER) 2024/6/24~2024/6/30


[Chemical Geology]

1. The impact of Himalayan-Tibetan erosion on silicate weathering and organic carbon burial

Peter D. Clift, Tara N. Jonell, Yifan Du, Thomas Bornholdt


[Quaternary International]

2. Stadial and interstadial deposits of Late Nemunas (Late Weichselian/MIS 2) glaciation in south Lithuania and their interpretation

Violeta Pukelytė, Laura Gedminienė, Valentinas Baltrūnas, Bronislavas Karmaza

3. A pollen-based reconstruction of middle to late holocene precipitation dynamics in Anyang archaeological area, Central Plains, China

Songna Wang, Xiaodong Miao, Zhengchuang Hui, Zijuan Yong, Tianyu Shi

4. Late Quaternary bioerosion pattern controlled by upwelling events at Puerto Lobos (Chubut, Argentina)

Luciana M. Giachetti, Sebastián Richiano, Diana E. Fernández, Clara B. Giachetti

5. May–June relative humidity variation recorded by tree ring widths of Pinus armandii Franch since 1863 in the Funiu Mountains, central China

Jinkuan Li, Kunyu Peng, Xiaoxu Wei, Yameng Liu, Jiaxin Li, Meng Peng, Xuan Li, Keyu Zhang, Jianfeng Peng

6. Climatic background of aeolian sand accumulation in the proximal sandy deserts/lands and its potential genetic linkage with loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau

Minmin Gao, Yuxin Fan, Qingsong Cai, Xueyu Yan, Ke Bi, Chuanying Zhu, Guangliang Yang, Qingsong Zhang