
New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/7/2-2024/7/8


Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (20/month)


Geophysical Research Letters (100/month)

[1] Contribution of Mesoscale Convective Systems to Floods in the East Asian Summer Monsoon Region

Tian Ding, Tianjun Zhou, Zhun Guo, Yuan Yang, Liwei Zou & Xiaolong Chen

[2] Southwest Pacific Ocean Warming Driven by Circulation Changes

P. J. H. Sutton, G. J. Rickard & D. H. Roemmich

[3] A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Quantify ENSO Sources of Predictability

Ioana Colfescu, Hannah Christensen & David John Gagne

[4] Is El Niño-Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System?

Tobias Bayr, Joke F. Lübbecke & Stephanie Fiedler

[5] Climate-Driven Topographic Asymmetry Enhanced by Glaciers: Implications for Drainage Reorganization in Glacial Landscapes

Jingtao Lai & Kimberly Huppert

[6] Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of the Response of Winter Climate and Extreme Weather to Projected Arctic Sea-Ice Loss

Kunhui Ye, Tim Woollings & Sarah N. Sparrow

[7] Meridional Shifts of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies During the Early Cenozoic

Hongjin Chen, Zhaokai Xu, Germain Bayon, Qingchao Fan, Philip A. E. Pogge von Strandmann, Wei Wang, Tianqi Sun & Tiegang Li

[8] Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulates the Impacts of Bering Sea Ice Loss on North American Temperature

Yizhou Gao, Ruonan Zhang, Zhiyan Zuo & Qinglong You

[9] Combined Role of the MJO and ENSO in Shaping Extreme Warming Patterns and Coral Bleaching Risk in the Great Barrier Reef

Catherine H. Gregory, Neil J. Holbrook, Claire M. Spillman & Andrew G. Marshall

Journal of Geophysical Research C. Oceans (20-50/month)

[10] Submesoscale Processes in the Kuroshio Loop Current: Roles in Energy Cascade and Salt and Heat Transports

Tian Tang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jinchao Zhang, Xincheng Zhang, Zhongbin Sun & Zhe Feng

[11] Molecular Composition Evolution of Dissolved Organic Matter With Water Depth in Prydz Bay of East Antarctic: Carbon Export Implications

Bin Jiang, Jun Zhao, Dong Li, Liyang Zhan, Zhongyong Gao, Heng Sun, Yuping Zhou, Jianming Pan & Yongge Sun

Paleoceanography (5-20/month)

[12] The Role of Tidal Mixing in Shaping Early Eocene Deep Ocean Circulation and Oxygenation

Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Jeanne Millot-Weil, Casimir de Lavergne, J. A. Mattias Green, Sébastien Nguyen &  Yannick Donnadieu

[13] Oceanography of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Across the Oligocene-Miocene Transition

Diederik Liebrand, Bridget S. Wade, Helen M. Beddow, David J. King, Alexander D. Harrison, Heather J. H. Johnstone, Anna Joy Drury, Heiko Pälike, Appy Sluijs & Lucas J. Lourens

[14] Extreme Planktic Foraminiferal Dwarfism Across the ETM2 in the Tethys Realm in Response to Warming

R. D’Onofrio, R. Barrett, D. N. Schmidt, E. Fornaciari, L. Giusberti, G. Frijia, T. Adatte, N. Sabatino, A. Monsuru, V. Brombin & V. Luciani

[15] Reconstruction of Cenozoic δ11Bsw Using a Gaussian Process

Ross Whiteford, Timothy J. Heaton, Michael J. Henehan, Eleni Anagnostou, Hana Jurikova, Gavin L. Foster & James W. B. Rae

[16] Decoupling Warming and Monsoon Precipitation Over the Last 3110 Years in Northwestern Yunnan Province, Southwestern China

Baoyan Jia, Xiayun Xiao, Changting Chi, Rui Ke & Yanling Li


Climate of the Past

[17] Precise dating of deglacial Laptev Sea sediments via 14C and authigenic 10Be/9Be – assessing local 14C reservoir ages

Nicolas, A., Mollenhauer, G., Lachner, J., Stübner, K., Malter, M., Wollenburg, J., Grotheer, H. & Adolphi, F.

[18] Glacial-interglacial contrasts in the marine inorganic carbon chemistry of the Benguela Upwelling System

Karancz, S., de Nooijer, L. J., van der Wagt, B., van der Meer, M. T. J., Misra, S., Hennekam, R., Erdem, Z., Lattaud, J., Haghipour, N., Schouten, S. & Reichart, G.-J.

[19] Stretched polar vortex increases mid-latitude climate variability during the Last Glacial Maximum

Zhang, Y., Renssen, H., Seppä, H., Li, Z. & Li, X.

[20] Rapid communication: Distribute paleoscience information across the next IPCC reports

Kaufman, D. & Masson-Delmotte, V.


Geological Society of America Bulletin (alternate month)