
New Papers (ELSEVIER) 2024/6/24~2024/6/30


[Chemical Geology]

1. The impact of Himalayan-Tibetan erosion on silicate weathering and organic carbon burial

Peter D. Clift, Tara N. Jonell, Yifan Du, Thomas Bornholdt


[Quaternary International]

2. Stadial and interstadial deposits of Late Nemunas (Late Weichselian/MIS 2) glaciation in south Lithuania and their interpretation

Violeta Pukelytė, Laura Gedminienė, Valentinas Baltrūnas, Bronislavas Karmaza

3. A pollen-based reconstruction of middle to late holocene precipitation dynamics in Anyang archaeological area, Central Plains, China

Songna Wang, Xiaodong Miao, Zhengchuang Hui, Zijuan Yong, Tianyu Shi

4. Late Quaternary bioerosion pattern controlled by upwelling events at Puerto Lobos (Chubut, Argentina)

Luciana M. Giachetti, Sebastián Richiano, Diana E. Fernández, Clara B. Giachetti

5. May–June relative humidity variation recorded by tree ring widths of Pinus armandii Franch since 1863 in the Funiu Mountains, central China

Jinkuan Li, Kunyu Peng, Xiaoxu Wei, Yameng Liu, Jiaxin Li, Meng Peng, Xuan Li, Keyu Zhang, Jianfeng Peng

6. Climatic background of aeolian sand accumulation in the proximal sandy deserts/lands and its potential genetic linkage with loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau

Minmin Gao, Yuxin Fan, Qingsong Cai, Xueyu Yan, Ke Bi, Chuanying Zhu, Guangliang Yang, Qingsong Zhang