東京大学大気海洋研究所 横山祐典研究室
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
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UCI Keck AMS Laboratory
横山先生はJAFoSの会議の後、滞在を1日延ばし、California大学Irvine校 (UCI)のKeck AMS Laboratoryの、John Southon博士(上写真右)を訪問しました。Southon博士は、AMSの権威で、横山先生が以前Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryに勤務していた時の同僚。Southon博士の開発したイオン源で微量分析が可能ということで、共同研究を現在行っており、今回は分析法について議論するための訪問でした。
Dr. Yokoyama visited Dr. John Southon (right side in the above photo) of Keck AMS Laboratory, Univ. California Irvine (UCI), after JAFoS. Dr. Southon is an authority of AMS and was a colleague with Dr. Yokoyama at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. We are now in cooperation with him, because he developed a novel ion source which can analyze a small amount of sample. This time, Dr. Yokoyama visited him to discuss the analyzing method.
近い将来、東大の加速器でも同様のシステム構築を行えるように、MALTの松崎浩之先生にも渡米していただき、一緒に訪問しました(上写真:イオン源の部品の説明を聞く松崎さん)。下写真の、イオン源をはさんで左は、化学処理Lab managerのG. Santos博士。横山先生がANUに居た時に、彼女に化学分析を教えていたそうですが、今では逆に新しい分析法について教えてもらっています。「二人にはとても親切に対応していただき、充実した訪問でした。来週のAGUでも、Southon博士とはdiscussionの続きを行う事になっています!」(横山先生)とのことです。
Dr. Hiroyuki Matsuzaki (left-side in the above photo) of MALT, University of Tokyo, visited UCI together, toward future development of similar systems in MALT. Dr. G. Santos (left-side in the bottom photo) is the lab manager of chemical procedure. Dr. Yokoyama used to teach her chemical analysis when he was in ANU, but now he is taught the novel analytical method by her. "It was substantial visit. Dr. Southon and Dr. Santos treated us very kindly", said Dr. Yokoyama, "and we will continue discussion with Dr. Southon in AGU next week".
11th JAFoS
横山先生が、アメリカ科学アカデミーにて12月5-7日に開かれた11th Japanese- American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (JAFoS:日米先端科学者シンポジウム)に参加してきました。異なる8分野の専門家が、各分野日米各1名ずつ講演し、1時間の質疑応答を行うという形式でした。他分野の最先端の研究を、若手研究者(45歳以下!)が活発に議論し、見識を広げ、友好を深めるという目的で行われているシンポジウムです。
Dr. Yokoyama attended 11th Japanese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (JAFoS) during 12/5-7. In this symposium, researchers from eight science fields gave lectures and had question-and-answer sessions (1hr). The purpose of the symposium is that young researchers (under-46!) discuss intensively cutting-edge researches in other fields, broaden their knowledge and promote friendship.
横山先生は"Empirical constraints on sea-level rise in future"というタイトルで講演。アメリカ側からはIsabella Velicogna博士(NASA JPL/California大学Irvine校)が、衛星の重力データを使った海水準変動と氷床の変化について講演しました(上写真:講演後Velicogna博士と)。座長は、IPCCなどでも有名なShawn Marshall博士(Calgary大学)。「両博士らと共同研究の具体的な打ち合わせなどができ、有意義でした。また、脳科学やナノテクノロジーなど、先端分野の成果を目の当たりにすると、地球惑星科学も頑張らなくてはと、大きな刺激になりました」(横山先生)とのことです。
Dr. Yokoyama gave a lecture titled "Empirical constraints on sea-level rise in future". From the American side, Dr. Isabella Velicogna (NASA JPL/Univ. California Irvine) gave a lecture about investigation of sea-level and glacier change using gravity data from satellites (the above photo was taken with her). The chair of the session was Dr. Shawn Marshall (Univ. Calgary), who is famous for contribution to IPCC. "It was beneficial because I had meetings with Dr. Velicogna, Dr. Marshall and so on toward future cooperation", said Dr. Yokoyama, "and it was quite stimulative for geoscience to see cutting-edge researches in brain-science, nanotechnology and so on."
Dr. Yokoyama attended 11th Japanese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (JAFoS) during 12/5-7. In this symposium, researchers from eight science fields gave lectures and had question-and-answer sessions (1hr). The purpose of the symposium is that young researchers (under-46!) discuss intensively cutting-edge researches in other fields, broaden their knowledge and promote friendship.
横山先生は"Empirical constraints on sea-level rise in future"というタイトルで講演。アメリカ側からはIsabella Velicogna博士(NASA JPL/California大学Irvine校)が、衛星の重力データを使った海水準変動と氷床の変化について講演しました(上写真:講演後Velicogna博士と)。座長は、IPCCなどでも有名なShawn Marshall博士(Calgary大学)。「両博士らと共同研究の具体的な打ち合わせなどができ、有意義でした。また、脳科学やナノテクノロジーなど、先端分野の成果を目の当たりにすると、地球惑星科学も頑張らなくてはと、大きな刺激になりました」(横山先生)とのことです。
Dr. Yokoyama gave a lecture titled "Empirical constraints on sea-level rise in future". From the American side, Dr. Isabella Velicogna (NASA JPL/Univ. California Irvine) gave a lecture about investigation of sea-level and glacier change using gravity data from satellites (the above photo was taken with her). The chair of the session was Dr. Shawn Marshall (Univ. Calgary), who is famous for contribution to IPCC. "It was beneficial because I had meetings with Dr. Velicogna, Dr. Marshall and so on toward future cooperation", said Dr. Yokoyama, "and it was quite stimulative for geoscience to see cutting-edge researches in brain-science, nanotechnology and so on."
奨励賞受賞!(Encouraging Prize!)
宮原ひろ子さん(客員研究員/宇宙線研特任助教)が、「宇宙線生成核種による太陽活動史の研究」が認められ、地球化学研究協会の奨励賞を受賞しました!(12/6に、表彰式) また、宮原さんは、12/4-6には「太陽・宇宙・地球環境変動」に関する国際ワークショップに参加。下の写真は、太陽・宇宙線・宇宙線起源核種のエキスパートであるフィンランド・オウル大学のIlya Usoskin博士と。「アイスコアのデータに関して、色々と貴重なアドバイスをいただきました」(宮原さん)とのことです。
Dr. Hiroko Miyahara (Visiting researcher/ICRR) got "Encouraging Prize" from Geochemistry Research Association, for her research about the history of solar activity using cosmogenic nuclides. The commendation ceremony was held in 12/6. Dr. Miyahara also attended the International Workshop on Variabilities of Solar-Cosmic and Terrestrial Environment during 12/4-6. The bottom photo was taken with Dr. Ilya Usoskin from University of Oulu, Finland, who is an expert of the sun, cosmic rays and cosmogenic nuclides. Dr. Miyahara said "I got some good advise from him about our data of ice cores".
Stephen Obrochta博士きたる
11/30から、Stephen Obrochta博士が、PD(JSPS外国人特別研究員)として研究室メンバーに加わりました! 期間は2年間の予定です。Obrochtaさんは、古海洋学が専門で、アメリカのDuke大学で学位を取得。北大西洋の堆積物コアで、昔の氷期の1000年スケール変動を研究してきたとのこと。日本語ペラペラです! 写真は12/3の歓迎会にて(左から2人目がObrochtaさん)。
Dr. Stephen Obrochta joined us as a JSPS-PD (two years) from 11/30. Dr. Obrochta is a paleoceanographer and got his PhD at Duke University, US. He has studied the nature of millennial variability during past glaciations using sediment cores in North Atlantic. He can speak Japanese very well!
Dr. Stephen Obrochta joined us as a JSPS-PD (two years) from 11/30. Dr. Obrochta is a paleoceanographer and got his PhD at Duke University, US. He has studied the nature of millennial variability during past glaciations using sediment cores in North Atlantic. He can speak Japanese very well!
京大で集中講義 (Special lecture at Kyoto Univ.)
Dr. Yokoyama conducted the special lecture and seminor of Quartenary paleoclimatology and paleoceanography at Kyoto University during 11/16-18. "It was warm on the first day, but it got very cold from the second day", Dr. Yokoyama said, "and the campus showed beautiful red leaves". The photos show Dr. Yokoyama with the members of the lab of Prof. Tagami.
海洋研歓迎会(Welcome party at ORI)
Dr. Yokoyama moved to Department of Ocean Floor Geoscience (OFGS), Ocean Research Institute (ORI), the University of Tokyo, as a Associate Professor from 11/1. So, the welcome party was held in OFGS in 11/14. The party started after Dr. Yokoyama introduced our lab and each student and PD introduced themselves and their studies. We continued the party in a room of students and staff until 23:30.
Dr. Yokoyama moved to Department of Ocean Floor Geoscience (OFGS), Ocean Research Institute (ORI), the University of Tokyo, as a Associate Professor from 11/1. So, the welcome party was held in OFGS in 11/14. The party started after Dr. Yokoyama introduced our lab and each student and PD introduced themselves and their studies. We continued the party in a room of students and staff until 23:30.
喜界島調査(Kikai Island)
We went to Kikai Island for sampling fossil corals during 14th-23th October. The member were Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suzuki (AIST), Prof. Esat (ANSTO/ANU), 3 students and ... total 9 members! Pictures are landscape and boring core of coral. We took away the coral samples in 15 cardboard boxes! Analysis of many many corals is hard...
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli
水文学者のYoseph Yechieli博士(イスラエル地質調査所、水文学部門リーダー)が10/30、研究室に立ち寄ってくれました。富山で開かれていた国際水文学会に参加した帰りでした。Yechieli博士は2年前に、サバティカルで産業技術総合研究所に3ヶ月間滞在しており、東大にもたびたび来られていたそうです。
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli, a hydrologist and the Head of the Division of Water and Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Israel, visited our lab on 30th October. He was on his way back to Israel from XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2008 Toyama. He stayed at Japan two years ago for his 3-months sabbatical in AIST, and often visited the University of Tokyo.
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli, a hydrologist and the Head of the Division of Water and Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Israel, visited our lab on 30th October. He was on his way back to Israel from XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2008 Toyama. He stayed at Japan two years ago for his 3-months sabbatical in AIST, and often visited the University of Tokyo.
更新が遅れましたが、10/12に横山先生宅で、毎半期恒例のバーベキューが開催されました。家族連れが3組(横山先生、菅沼さん、東大MALTの松崎先生)、さらにオーストラリアのANSTO/ANUからTezar Esat先生が参加するなど、賑やかでした。
On 12th October, we had a BBQ party at the house of Dr. Yokoyama, which has been held twice a year. It was lively because three families (Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suganuma and Dr. Matsuzaki from MALT, UT), Dr. Tezar Esat from ANSTO/ANU, Australia, and many others joined.
Before BBQ, Dr. Esat and I (Yamaguchi, M1) went to watching a beer factory, which also has been held with BBQ. We drank tasty black beer.
On 12th October, we had a BBQ party at the house of Dr. Yokoyama, which has been held twice a year. It was lively because three families (Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suganuma and Dr. Matsuzaki from MALT, UT), Dr. Tezar Esat from ANSTO/ANU, Australia, and many others joined.
Before BBQ, Dr. Esat and I (Yamaguchi, M1) went to watching a beer factory, which also has been held with BBQ. We drank tasty black beer.
卒論生来たる (Undergraduates came)
川久保 友太: 喜界島のサンゴを用いた古環境復元
高橋 里美: 琵琶湖堆積物中のBe-10分析による環境の復元
山崎 隆宏: 南極の環境を探る
Undergraduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science have started their graduate thesis from October. This year, three students (!) are supervised by Dr. Yokoyama. Because they had presentations about their study plans on 3rd October, presentation practice were held in our seminor on 2nd October (photo).
川久保 友太: 喜界島のサンゴを用いた古環境復元
高橋 里美: 琵琶湖堆積物中のBe-10分析による環境の復元
山崎 隆宏: 南極の環境を探る
Undergraduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science have started their graduate thesis from October. This year, three students (!) are supervised by Dr. Yokoyama. Because they had presentations about their study plans on 3rd October, presentation practice were held in our seminor on 2nd October (photo).
静岡大で集中講義 (Special lecture at Shizuoka Univ.)
Dr. Yokoyama cunducted special lectures at Shizuoka University during 24th-25th September. About 50 audience attended the lecture, including undergraduates, graduate students, a highschool teacher in chemistry etc. "They listened the lecture hard", Dr. Yokoyama said, "although the lecture are from early morning to 17:00". The above photo is with Dr. Kitamura, Dr. Ubukata and Mr. Ohmori, who managed the lecture.
Dr. Yokoyama cunducted special lectures at Shizuoka University during 24th-25th September. About 50 audience attended the lecture, including undergraduates, graduate students, a highschool teacher in chemistry etc. "They listened the lecture hard", Dr. Yokoyama said, "although the lecture are from early morning to 17:00". The above photo is with Dr. Kitamura, Dr. Ubukata and Mr. Ohmori, who managed the lecture.
日本地球化学若手シンポ (Japan Symposium for Young Researchers in Geochemistry)
9/19-21(日本地球化学年会の直後)に開催された、日本地球化学若手シンポジウム@八王子に、私、山口(M1)が参加してきました。全国から総勢約50人が集まって、熱く地球化学について語り合う3日間。なんと幸運にも、ポスター賞をいただくことができました!! これを励みに頑張ります。東大からの参加者が少なくてさびしいので、来年は研究室の皆さんもぜひ。
I (Yamaguchi, M1) joined Japan Symposium for Young Researchers in Geochemistry at Hachi-o-ji during 19th-21st September (just after the Annual Meeting of Geochemical Societiy of Japan). About 50 people gathered from all around Japan and discussed geochemistry intensively during 3 days. Luckily, I got "Poster Prize"!!
I (Yamaguchi, M1) joined Japan Symposium for Young Researchers in Geochemistry at Hachi-o-ji during 19th-21st September (just after the Annual Meeting of Geochemical Societiy of Japan). About 50 people gathered from all around Japan and discussed geochemistry intensively during 3 days. Luckily, I got "Poster Prize"!!
ANUのRSES所長訪問 (Visit of the directer of RSES, ANU)
オーストラリア国立大学の地球科学研究所(ANU RSES)のKennett所長が、9/22午後に研究室に立ち寄ってくれました。地震学の権威でもあるKennett所長は、東大-ANUの全学学生-スタッフ協定の締結に向けて、ANU学長の代理に近い立場で来日。横山先生と、締結に向けた意見交換を行いました。「かなり具体的な話まで行えたので、早いうちの協定締結につなげられる感触を得ましたし、双方でそのことを確認しました」(横山先生)とのことです。
Prof. Kennett visited our lab in the afternoon on 22nd Septemper, as the directer of Research School of Earth Science (RSES), Australian National University(ANU). Prof. Kennett, who is an authority on seismology, visited Japan for an agreement about students and staff between the University of Tokyo and ANU, nearly as a representative of the President of ANU. He discussed with Dr. Yokoyama for conlusion of the agreement. "Our discussion has advanced to a fairly concrete step", Dr. Yokoyama said, "and we both had good feeling for early conclusion of the agreement".
Prof. Kennett visited our lab in the afternoon on 22nd Septemper, as the directer of Research School of Earth Science (RSES), Australian National University(ANU). Prof. Kennett, who is an authority on seismology, visited Japan for an agreement about students and staff between the University of Tokyo and ANU, nearly as a representative of the President of ANU. He discussed with Dr. Yokoyama for conlusion of the agreement. "Our discussion has advanced to a fairly concrete step", Dr. Yokoyama said, "and we both had good feeling for early conclusion of the agreement".
宮原さん送別会 (A farewell party for Dr. Miyahara)
更新が遅くなりましたが、9/11に、10月から東京大学宇宙線研究所の特任助教に着任される宮原さん(PD)の送別会が開催されました。暑気払いも兼。研究室OBも来てくれ、総勢20人と賑やかでした。 下写真は、安岡君(M1)からプレゼントを渡される宮原さん。
On 11th September, we had a farewell party for Dr. Miyahara, who will take up her new post in Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo from October. 20 people, including the lab's alumni, joined the party. The bottom photo shows Dr. Miyahara, who were handed presents from Yasuoka (M1).
On 11th September, we had a farewell party for Dr. Miyahara, who will take up her new post in Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo from October. 20 people, including the lab's alumni, joined the party. The bottom photo shows Dr. Miyahara, who were handed presents from Yasuoka (M1).
実験室大掃除 (Cleaning the Lab)
毎年恒例の夏の実験室大掃除が、9/11にありました。床を掃いて拭いたり(写真1)、大量のベリリウム反応容器をひたすら分解したり(写真2)、実験机に敷いたアルミホイルや濾紙を張り替えたり(写真3)の3時間。初参加のタイラーさん(PD、写真4)曰く、「Very fun...」だそうです。笑 皆さんお疲れ様でした! 次回は年末です。
We cleand up our laboratory on 11th September. We sweped and wiped the floor (Photo1), disintegrated many reaction bottles of beryllium (Photo2) and changed aluminum foil and paper on desks (Photo3) during 3 hours. Dr. Tyler (PD), who joined the cleaning for the first time, said "Very fun...". :) The next cleaning will be on the end of the year.
We cleand up our laboratory on 11th September. We sweped and wiped the floor (Photo1), disintegrated many reaction bottles of beryllium (Photo2) and changed aluminum foil and paper on desks (Photo3) during 3 hours. Dr. Tyler (PD), who joined the cleaning for the first time, said "Very fun...". :) The next cleaning will be on the end of the year.
スイスでワークショップ(Workshop in Switzerland)
横山先生が、スイスのベルン大学で8/25-29に開催されたワークショップに、参加してきました(第四紀学会の直後!)。ワークショップはPAGES (Past Global Changes) とIMAGES (International Marine Global Changes Study)の共催で、タイトルは"Empirical constraints on sea-level rise over the next century"。 「招待された参加者のみの40名弱のこじんまりした会議でしたが、海水準、モデル、氷床、古海洋などの専門家が集まっての有意義な会議でした」(横山先生)とのことです。写真×3は、8/27午後に出かけたKanderstegにて。
Dr. Yokoyama attended a workshop held at University of Bern, Switzerland, during 25th-29th August (just after JAQUA!). The workshop "Empirical constraints on sea-level rise over the next century" was held by PAGES (Past Global Changes) and IMAGES (International Marine Global Changes Study). Dr. Yokoyama says "It was a good meeting with various specialists in sea-level, model, glacier and paleocean, although only invited persons attended it and the number was less than 40". Three photos are taken at Kandersteg, where they went in the afternoon of 27th August.
Dr. Yokoyama attended a workshop held at University of Bern, Switzerland, during 25th-29th August (just after JAQUA!). The workshop "Empirical constraints on sea-level rise over the next century" was held by PAGES (Past Global Changes) and IMAGES (International Marine Global Changes Study). Dr. Yokoyama says "It was a good meeting with various specialists in sea-level, model, glacier and paleocean, although only invited persons attended it and the number was less than 40". Three photos are taken at Kandersteg, where they went in the afternoon of 27th August.
陳明德教授(Prof. Min-Te Chen)
今日(9/2)のお昼、国立台湾海洋大学の陳明德(Chen Min-Te)教授(専門=古海洋学)が、1年半のサバティカルをWHOI (ウッズホール海洋研究所)で終えた後、台湾に帰国する途中で、横山先生のオフィスに寄っ てくれました。
On this noon (2nd September), Prof. Min-Te Chen (Palaeoceanography) of National Taiwan Ocean University visited the office of Dr. Yokoyama. He was on his way back to Taiwan from one and half year sabbatical in WHOI.
This is a radish. Because I'm developing a new method to analyze nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids (especially gulutamine), I have been seeking samples that contain much gulutamine. I made grated radish, filtered it, treated the juice chemically, and analyzed the product. The results are perfect. I made it!
This is a radish. Because I'm developing a new method to analyze nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids (especially gulutamine), I have been seeking samples that contain much gulutamine. I made grated radish, filtered it, treated the juice chemically, and analyzed the product. The results are perfect. I made it!
During 22nd-24th August, the JAQUA(Japan Association for Quaternary Research) Annual Meeting 2008 were held at Hongo campus, the University of Tokyo. Dr. Yokoyama got "the Research Award" for his research on sea-level change and ice volume during the last glacial period and its termination. Congratulations!
The members of our lab had 8 oral presentation and 1 lecture.
During 22nd-24th August, the JAQUA(Japan Association for Quaternary Research) Annual Meeting 2008 were held at Hongo campus, the University of Tokyo. Dr. Yokoyama got "the Research Award" for his research on sea-level change and ice volume during the last glacial period and its termination. Congratulations!
Dr. Yokoyama was the host of the meeting. So, the students had a busy time as reception stuffs (above photo), time-keepers and so on. The meeting has finished without any trouble.
The members of our lab had 8 oral presentation and 1 lecture.
菅沼さん(PD)の主催で、研究室有志に、地質が専門の院生が助っ人として加わり、8/6-8/9に北アルプス白馬岳(標高2932m)に登ってきました! 氷河地形巡検も兼ねています。
We climbed Mt. Shirouma-Dake (2932m) in Northern Japan Alps from 6th to 9th August! Dr. Suganuma (PD) organized this trip combined with excursion of glacial morphology, and 3 graduate students who major geology joined us.
The highlight scene was the Snow Gorge (3.5km long). We climbed on snow with climbing irons. Some persons also had a hard time for going down with falling and sliping.
We can see beautiful mountain plants and flowers in the higher part. It is interesting to watch the variation of vegetation with altitude.
Dinner with 3 professers from the U.S.
On 5th August, we had a dinner with Prof. Jull from Univ. Arizona, Prof. Kohl from UCSD and Prof. Reedy from Univ. New Mexico. All of them are the famous researchers in the area of cosmogenic nuclides (e.g. 14C, 10Be) and were on their ways back from the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society at Simane (7/28 - 8/1).
投稿 (Atom)