



New and revised 14C dates for Hawaiian surface lava flows: Paleomagnetic and geomagnetic implications
Pressling, N., F. A. Trusdell, and D. Gubbins (2009), Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L11306, doi:10.1029/2009GL037792.
→ハワイ島のマウナロア、キラウエア火山の溶岩の14C年代をAMSで測って、従来のgas counting法より精度上昇。古地磁気変動復元に重要らしい。


Tropical Pacific–high latitude south Atlantic teleconnections as seen in d18O variability in Antarctic coastal ice cores,
Divine, D. V., E. Isaksson, M. Kaczmarska, F. Godtliebsen, H. Oerter, E. Schlosser, S. J. Johnsen, M. van den Broeke, and R. S. W. van de Wal (2009), J. Geophys. Res., 114, D11112, doi:10.1029/2008JD010475.
→南極のDronning Maud Landの8本のアイスコアd18Oをコンパイルして、西暦1737年から現在まで1年解像度で気候復元。ENSOとのテレコネクションを見た。20年ぐらいごとにpositive isotope anomalyがあるらしい。

Long-term middle atmospheric influence of very large solar proton events,
Jackman, C. H., D. R. Marsh, F. M. Vitt, R. R. Garcia, C. E. Randall, E. L. Fleming, and S. M. Frith (2009), J. Geophys. Res., 114, D11304, doi:10.1029/2008JD011415.
→solar proton eventsが大気に与える影響を、気候モデルで評価。太陽極大期のころ、北半球極域成層圏オゾンが減少するらしい。


Synoptic flow structures in the confluence region of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current,
Nagano, A., K. Ichikawa, H. Ichikawa, M. Konda, and K. Murakami (2009), J. Geophys. Res., 114, C06007, doi:10.1029/2008JC005213.

【Global Biogeochemical Cycles】

Influence of light and temperature on the marine iron cycle: From theoretical to global modeling,
Tagliabue, A., L. Bopp, O. Aumont, and K. R. Arrigo (2009), Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 23, GB2017, doi:10.1029/2008GB003214.


Modeling the seasonal distribution of planktonic foraminifera during the Last Glacial Maximum,
Fraile, I., M. Schulz, S. Mulitza, U. Merkel, M. Prange, and A. Paul (2009), Paleoceanography, 24, PA2216, doi:10.1029/2008PA001686.

Use of strontium isotopes in detrital sediments to constrain the glacial position of the Agulhas Retroflection,
Franzese, A. M., S. R. Hemming, and S. L. Goldstein (2009), Paleoceanography, 24, PA2217, doi:10.1029/2008PA001706.
→堆積物のSr同位体から、氷期のAgulhas Leakage(アフリカ喜望峰沖で表層暖流が逆流する現象)の変動とその原因を推定。

【Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems】

Geomagnetic field for 0–3 ka: 1. New data sets for global modeling,
Donadini, F., M. Korte, and C. G. Constable (2009), Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q06007, doi:10.1029/2008GC002295.

Geomagnetic field for 0–3 ka: 2. A new series of time-varying global models,
Korte, M., F. Donadini, and C. G. Constable (2009), Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q06008, doi:10.1029/2008GC002297.

【Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta】 vol.73, Issues 14, 15th June

Oxygen and carbon stable isotopes of modern land snail shells as environmental indicators from a low-latitude oceanic island
Yurena Yanes, Christopher S. Romanek, Antonio Delgado, Heather A. Brant, John E. Noakes, María R. Alonso, Miguel Ibáñez, Volume 73, Issue 14, Pages 4077-4099

Experimental evidence for 234U–238U fractionation during granite weathering with implications for 234U/238U in natural waters
Morten B. Andersen, Yigal Erel, Bernard Bourdon, Volume 73, Issue 14, Pages 4124-4141

【Earth and Planetary Science Letters】 vol.283, 15th June

Stacking paleointensity and oxygen isotope data for the last 1.5 Myr (PISO-1500)
J.E.T. Channell, C. Xuan, D.A. Hodell, Volume 283, Issues 1-4, Pages 14-23

Lead concentrations and isotopes in corals and water near Bermuda, 1780–2000
Amy E. Kelly, Matthew K. Reuer, Nathalie F. Goodkin, Edward A. Boyle, Volume 283, Issues 1-4, Pages 93-100

Pleistocene seasonal temperature variations recorded in the δ18O of Bison priscus teeth
Aurélien Bernard, Valérie Daux, Christophe Lécuyer, Jean-Philip Brugal, Dominique Genty, Karine Wainer, Véronique Gardien, François Fourel, Jacques Jaubert, Volume 283, Issues 1-4, Pages 133-143
→late Middle Pleistoceneのバイソンの歯化石の酸素同位体から、気温季節変動を復元。

【Chemical Geology】 vol.264, 30th June

Modeled and observed intra-ring δ18O cycles within late Holocene Bristlecone Pine tree samples
Max Berkelhammer, Lowell D. Stott, Volume 264, Issues 1-4, Pages 13-23
→155–172BC、AD 1106–1122、 AD 1827–1834の三つの時代の樹木年輪セルロースのd18Oを、週スケール解像度で分析。

Oxygen isotope fractionation and equilibration kinetics between CO2 and H2O as a function of salinity of aqueous solutions
Christophe Lécuyer, Véronique Gardien, Thomas Rigaudier, François Fourel, François Martineau, Alexandre Cros, Volume 264, Issues 1-4, Pages 122-126

【Quaternary Science Reviews】 vol.28, Issues15-16, July

Quaternary glaciation of Mount Everest
Lewis A. Owen, Ruth Robinson, Douglas I. Benn, Robert C. Finkel, Nicole K. Davis, Chaolu Yi, Jaakko Putkonen, Dewen Li, Andrew S. Murray, Volume 28, Issues 15-16, Pages 1412-1433
→野外調査、地形・堆積学的手法、OSL年代、表面照射10Be年代を使って、エベレスト北側のRongbuk valleyの氷河の第四紀の消長を復元。

【Quaternary Research】 vol.72, Issues1, July

Geomorphology and glacial history of Rauer Group, East Antarctica
Duanne A. White, Ole Bennike, Sonja Berg, Simon L. Harley, David Fink, Kevin Kiernan, Anne McConnell, Bernd Wagner, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 80-90
→東南極Rauer Groupの氷床消長史を、地形調査と表面照射10Be年代で復元。現在よりも最大で15km先まで延びていたらしい。気候や海水準に対するregionalな氷床の応答ではなく、local要因が重要らしい。

ITCZ rather than ENSO signature for abrupt climate changes across the tropical Pacific?
Guillaume Leduc, Laurence Vidal, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Edouard Bard, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 123-131

【Quaternary Geochronology】 vol.4, Issue 4, August

Radiocarbon wiggle-match dating of proglacial lake sediments – Implications for the 8.2 ka event
Anne Hormes, Maarten Blaauw, Svein Olaf Dahl, Atle Nesje, Goran Possnert, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 267-277
→ノルウェーの湖底堆積物を14C wiggle-matchingで高解像度年代決定して、8.2kaイベントの環境復元。

Moraine pebbles and boulders yield indistinguishable 10Be ages: A case study from Colorado, USA
Jason P. Briner, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 299-305

【Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences】 9th June

Elevated water temperature and carbon dioxide concentration increase the growth of a keystone echinoderm
Rebecca A. Gooding, Christopher D. G. Harley and Emily Tang, PNAS 2009 106:9316-9321; doi:10.1073/pnas.0811143106

Radiolarians decreased silicification as an evolutionary response to reduced Cenozoic ocean silica availability
David B. Lazarus, Benjamin Kotrc, Gerwin Wulf, and Daniela N. Schmidt, PNAS 2009 106:9333-9338; doi:10.1073/pnas.0812979106


Late-Holocene succession of dinoflagellates in an Antarctic fjord using a multi-proxy approach: paleoenvironmental genomics, lipid biomarkers and palynomorphs
A. C. Boere, B. Abbas, W. I. C. Rijpstra, G. J. M. Versteegh, J. K. Volkman, J. S. Sinninghe Damste and M. J. L. Coolen, Geobiology, 10.1111/j.1472-4669.2009.00202.x

【Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry】

A novel approach for the homogenization of cellulose to use micro-amounts for stable isotope analyses
W. Laumer, L. Andreu, G. Helle, G. H. Schleser, T. Wieloch, H. Wissel, RCM, 10.1002/rcm.4105

N2: a potential pitfall for bulk 2H isotope analysis of explosives and other nitrogen-rich compounds by continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry
Wolfram Meier-Augenstein, Helen F. Kemp, Claire M. Lock, RCM, 10.1002/rcm.4112

担当:Yamaguchi (M2)