
新着論文紹介(Nature, Science, PNAS, Geology) 2012/6/26


[News & Views]
1. Planetary science: Early start for rocky planets
Nature 486, 331–332 (21 June 2012) doi:10.1038/nature11199

2.  First dairying in green Saharan Africa in the fifth millennium bc
Julie Dunne, Richard P. Evershed, Mélanie Salque, Lucy Cramp, Silvia Bruni, Kathleen Ryan, Stefano Biagetti & Savino di Lernia  /  Nature 486,390–394(21 June 2012) / doi:10.1038

[News & Analysis]
3. NASA's New X-ray Satellite Packs Compact Power
   Yudhijit Bhattacharjee / Science 22 June 2012: 1492.

[News Focus]
4. Hang On! Curiosity Is Plunging Onto Mars
Richard A. Kerr / Science 22 June 2012: 1498-1499.

5. Could a Whiff of Methane Revive The Exploration of Mars?
Richard A. Kerr / Science 22 June 2012: 1500-1503.

6. Carbon from Tropical Deforestation
Daniel J. Zarin / Science 22 June 2012: 1518-1519.

7.  Baseline Map of Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in Tropical Regions  
Nancy L. Harris, Sandra Brown, Stephen C. Hagen, Sassan S. Saatchi, Silvia Petrova, William Salas, Matthew C. Hansen,   Peter V. Potapov, and Alexander Lotsch  
 Science 22 June 2012: 1573-1576

8. Endophytic Insect-Parasitic Fungi Translocate Nitrogen Directly from Insects to Plants  
     S. W. Behie, P. M. Zelisko, and M. J. Bidochka
Science 22 June 2012: 1576-1577.

9.  Mode change of millennial CO2 variability during the last glacial cycle associated with a   bipolar marine carbon seesaw
   Bernhard Bereiter, Dieter Lüthi, Michael Siegrist, Simon Schüpbach, Thomas F. Stocker, and Fischer,  Hubertus
    PNAS 2012 109(25)9755-9760; published ahead of print June 6,2012, doi: 10.1073 / pnas.120469109
  南極氷床コアより得られた高分解能のCO2の新しいデータを使用。南極の小規模な温暖化イベントがCO2濃度に記録されていた。また、MIS5の間、D-O warmingよりもCO2濃度の1000年変動ピークは遅れており、MIS3の間はさらに遅れが顕著だった。

10.  Nile Delta vegetation response to Holocene climate variability
Geology, July 2012, v. 40, p. 615-618, first published online 23 May 2012, doi:10.1130/G33012.1
Christopher E. Bernhardt, Benjamin P. Horton, and Jean-Daniel Stanley

11. European climate optimum and enhanced Greenland melt during the Last Interglacial
Geology, July  2012, v. 40, p. 627-630, doi:10.1130/G32908.1
Maria Fernanda Sánchez Goñi, Pepijn Bakker, Stéphanie Desprat, Anders E. Carlson, Cédric J. Van Meerbeeck, Odile Peyron,   Filipa Naughton, William J. Fletcher, Frédérique Eynaud, Linda Rossignol, and Hans Renssen

12.  Northern Hemisphere forcing of the last deglaciation in southern Patagonia
Geology, July 2012, v. 40, p. 631-634, first published online 27 April 2012, doi:10.1130/G32836.1
Daniel S. Murray, Anders E. Carlson, Brad S. Singer, Faron S. Anslow, Feng He, Marc Caffee, Shaun A. Marcott, Zhengyu   Liu, and Bette L. Otto-Bliesner
融氷期初期の気候変化のタイミングと規模について、the Rio Guanoco Valley のモレーンを宇宙起源の10Beの表面露出年代を使って研究。

13.  Strengthening of the Northeast Monsoon over the Flores Sea, Indonesia, at the time of Heinrich event 1
Geology, July 2012, v. 40, p. 635-638, doi:10.1130/G32878.1
Joanne Muller, Jerry F. McManus, Delia W. Oppo, and Roger Francois

14.  Seawater oxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Geology, July 2012, v. 40, p. 639-642, first published online 23 May 2012, doi:10.1130/G32977.1
Alexander J. Dickson, Anthony S. Cohen, and Angela L. Coe

15.  Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level
Geology, July 2012, v. 40, p. 643-646, doi:10.1130/G32057.1
Gilbert F. Camoin, Claire Seard, Pierre Deschamps, Jody M. Webster, Elizabeth Abbey, Juan C. Braga, Yasufumi Iryu,    Nicolas Durand, Edouard Bard, Bruno Hamelin, Yusuke Yokoyama, Alexander L. Thomas, Gideon M. Henderson, and  Philippe Dussouillez