
New Papers 2016/10/30–2015/11/06 (Nature, Science, etc...)

New Papers 2016/10/30–2015/11/06 (Nature, Science, etc...)

1. Observed Arctic sea-ice loss directly follows anthropogenic CO2 emission
Dirk Notz, Julienne Stroeve

Nature Geoscience
2. Global warming: Clouds cooled the Earth
Thorsten Mauritsen

3. Impact of decadal cloud variations on the Earth’s energy budget
Chen Zhou, Mark D. Zelinka & Stephen A. Klein

Nature Climate Change
4. Amplified plant turnover in response to climate change forecast by Late Quaternary records
D. Nogués-Bravo S. Veloz, B. G. Holt, J. Singarayer, P. Valdes, B. Davis, S. C. Brewer,
J. W. Williams & C. Rahbek

Nature Communication
no relevant