New Papers 2017/4/11-4/17 (Nature, Science, etc…)
Nature Climate Change
1. The subtle origins of surface-warming hiatuses
Christopher Hedemann, Thorsten Mauritsen,
Johann Jungclaus & Jochem Marotzke
2. Greater role for Atlantic inflows on sea-ice loss in the Eurasian Basin
of the Arctic Ocean
Igor V. Polyakov, Andrey V. Pnyushkov, Matthew
B. Alkire, Igor M. Ashik, Till M. Baumann, Eddy C. Carmack, Ilona Goszczko,
John Guthrie, Vladimir V. Ivanov, Torsten Kanzow, Richard Krishfield, Ronald Kwok,
Arild Sundfjord, James Morison, Robert Rember, Alexander Yulin
3. Evidence for hydrothermal alteration and
source regions for the Kiruna iron oxide–apatite ore (northern Sweden) from
zircon Hf and O isotopes
Anne Westhues, John M. Hanchar, Mark J.
LeMessurier, Martin J. Whitehouse
4. Tectonic controls on the long-term carbon isotope mass balance
Graham A. Shields and
Benjamin J. W. Mills
5. El Niño and the shifting geography of cholera in Africa
Sean M. Moore, Andrew S. Azman, Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Eric D. Mintz, Joan Brunkard, Dominique Legros, Alexandra Hill, Heather McKay, Francisco J. Luquero, David Olson, and Justin Lessler
Nature Geoscience
6. Onset and ending of the late Palaeozoic ice age triggered by
tectonically paced rock weathering
Yves Goddéris, Yannick Donnadieu, Sébastien
Carretier, Markus Aretz, Guillaume Dera, Mélina Macouin & Vincent Regard