
New Pepers 2013/06/25–2013/07/02 ELSEVIER

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
1.        Growth of north-east Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and mounds during the Holocene: A high resolution U-series and 14C chronology
Mélanie Douarin, Mary Elliot, Stephen R. Noble, Daniel Sinclair, Lea-Anne Henry, David Long, Steven G. Moreton, J. Murray Roberts,
•Chronology of Holocene cold-water coral ages revealed episodic reef growth.
•Inshore reef growth off western Scotland averaged 3–4 mm a1 but peaked at 12 mm a1.
•Reef growth declined over the last 1.4 ka, 1.75–2.8 ka, and 3.2–3.6 ka.
•Cycles of reef growth occurred synchronously across the north-east Atlantic.
•Lophelia reef growth appears linked to shifts in North Atlantic circulation.

2.        Seasonal Mg/Ca variability of N. pachyderma (s) and G. bulloides: Implications for seawater temperature reconstruction
Lukas Jonkers, Patricia Jiménez-Amat, P. Graham Mortyna, Geert-Jan A. Brummer
•First water-column evaluation of Mg/Ca-temperature proxy at low temperature.
•N. pachyderma (s) and G. bulloides show very similar δ18O, but contrasting Mg/Ca patterns.
•G. bulloides Mg/Ca is high and co-varies with temperature.
•N. pachyderma (s) Mg/Ca is low and shows very low sensitivity to temperature.
•Differences between species not due depth habitat differentiation.

3.        Recent changes in the flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
Christina L. Hulbe, Ted A. Scambos, Choon-Ki Lee, Jennifer Bohlander, Terry Haran
•Patterns of velocity and thickness change on the Ross Ice Shelf are investigated.
•Ice-mechanical causes of velocity and thickness transients are investigated.
•Transients reflect hundreds of years of changing boundary conditions.
•A recent change in basal traction on the Whillans Ice Stream ice plain is inferred.

4.        The Bossons glacier protects Europe's summit from erosion
C. Godon, J.L. Mugnier, R. Fallourd, J.L. Paquette, A. Pohl, J.F. Buoncristiani
•We determine the erosion efficiency in a glaciated watershed.
•Sediment source is inferred from macroscopic criteria and U–Pb dating on zircons.
•The glacial transport does not mix the supraglacial and the subglacial sediments.
•The subglacial erosion is lower than the erosion in the non-glaciated areas around.
•There is no erosion beneath cold ice meaning that the glaciers protect the relief.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
5.        Climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and erosion during the Pliocene–Quaternary in the Qaidam Basin (China)
Richard V. Heermance, Alex Pullen, Paul Kapp, Carmala N. Garzione, Scott Bogue, Lin Ding Peiping Song

6.        The solid Earth’s influence on sea level
Clinton P. Conrad
doi: 10.1130/B30764.1

7.        Terrestrial paleoenvironmental reconstructions indicate transient peak warming during the early Eocene climatic optimum
Ethan Hyland, Nathan D. Sheldon, Majie Fan

Global and Planetary Change
8.        Sea level variations in the tropical Pacific Ocean during recent two types of El Niño events
Yi-Ting Chang, Ling Du Shou-Wen Zhang, Peng-Fei Huang
•The amplitudes of interannual sea level variations in the tropical pacific illustrate geographical distribution.
•A sea-saw mode is dominant during the EP event but a shuttle pattern towers in the central Pacific during the CP events.
•The remote effect caused by the westward Rossby wave is more notable than the local Ekman pumping in the two El Niño events.

9.        Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes revealed by multi-proxy records from the Chukchi Abyssal Plain, western Arctic Ocean
Rujian Wang, Wenshen Xiao, Christian März, Qianyu Lia,
•Paleoenvironmental changes in the western Arctic Ocean revealed by multi-proxy records.
•Ice rafted detritus transported dominantly by icebergs under deglacial and warming conditions.
•High Ca/Al and Mg/Al ratios correspond to detrital carbonate deposition.
•Fine-grained sediments transported dominantly by sea ice during interglacials/interstadialsz.
•Planktonic foraminiferal δ18O and δ13C depletions indicate the pulsed meltwater discharges.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
10.     A 2,500-year multi-proxy reconstruction of climate change and human activities in northern Spain: the Lake Arreo record
Juan Pablo Corella, Vania Stefanova, Adel El Anjoumi, Eugenio Rico, Santiago Giralte, Ana Moreno, Alberto Plata-Montero, Blas L. Valero-Garcésa,
•A multiproxy study from Lake Arreo sediment cores (N Iberian Peninsula)
•Synergies between climate and human activities since the Roman Period
•Arid intervals prior to 1st century AD, between AD 890-1300) and the XXth century
•Cold and humid phases occurred between AD 640-790) and AD 1300-1700
•Strong impact of salt mining on the environment during the last 2ka

11.     Quantification of climate change for the last 20,000 years from Wonderkrater, South Africa: implications for the long-term dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
Loïc Truc, Manuel Chevalier, Charly Favier, Rachid Cheddadi, Michael E. Meadows, Louis Scott, Andrew S. Carr, Gideon F. Smith, Brian M. Chase
•Quantitative estimates of climate at a key South African site over the past 20 kyr.
•Reconstructed trends show strong links with regional sea-surface temperatures.
•Reconstructions indicate interhemispheric synchrony in the African tropics.
•Findings do not support the hypothesis of direct insolation forcing of tropical African climates.
•Highlights a promising technique for analyzing palaeobotanical data in the region.

12.     A 400-year record of hydroclimate variability and local ENSO history in northern Southeast Asia inferred from tree-ring d18O
Chenxi Xu, Masaki Sano, Takeshi Nakatsuka
•The long δ18O chronology built just by tree ring oxygen isotopes was robust.
•ENSO events history during the last 400 years was reconstructed in Southeast Asia.
•Reduction of Asian monsoon activity during the last 200 years was found.

Quaternary International
13.     Late Glacial to mid-Holocene palaeoclimate development of Southern Greece inferred from the sediment sequence of Lake Stymphalia (NE-Peloponnese)
Christian Heymann, Oliver Nelle, Walter Dörfler, Helen Zagana, Norbert Nowaczyk, Jibin Xue, Ingmar Unkel,

14.     Late Pleistocene glacial evolutionary stages in the Gredos Mountains (Iberian Central System)
Javier Pedraza, Rosa M. Carrasco, David Domínguez-Villar, Javier Villa

15.     Holocene paleoenvironmental, paleoclimatic and geoarchaeological significance of the Sheikh El-Obeiyid area (Farafra Oasis, Egypt)
Mohamed A. Hamdana, Giulio Lucarinib

16.     Late Pleistocene–Holocene sedimentary records of climate and lake-level changes in Lake Hazar, eastern Anatolia, Turkey
Kürşad Kadir Eriş

17.     Stable isotope composition of middle to late Holocene land snail shells from the Marroquíes archeological site (Jaén, southern Spain): Paleoenvironmental implications
Yurena Yanesa, José Antonio Riquelmeb, Juan Antonio Cámarac, Antonio Delgadob

Quaternary Science Reviews
18.     Latest Pleistocene to Holocene hydroclimates from Lake Elsinore, California
Matthew E. Kirby, Sarah J. Feakins, Nicole Bonuso, Joanna M. Fantozzi, Christine A. Hiner
Deglacial; Southwest United States; Dipping westerlies; Hydrogen isotope; Lake Elsinore

Quaternary Research
Quaternary Geochronology
Marine Geology                   Nothing relevant