
2017/11/7 New Papers(Nature, Science...)

New Papers(Nature, Science...)

1.     Early life experiences have complex and long-lasting effects on behavior
Bruce A. Carlson

2. Microbial life in deep subseafloor coal beds
Bo Barker Jørgensen

3. Methyl-compound use and slow growth characterize microbial life in 2-km-deep subseafloor coal and shale beds
Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert, Yuki Morono, Akira Ijiri, Tatsuhiko Hoshino, Katherine S. Dawson, Fumio Inagaki, and Victoria J. Orphan

Nature Geoscience
4. Contribution of topographically generated submesoscale turbulence to Southern Ocean overturning
Xiaozhou Ruan, Andrew F. Thompson, Mar M. Flexas and Janet Sprintall

5. Southern African ancient genomes estimate modern human divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago
Carina M. Schlebusch, Helena Malmström, Torsten Günther, Per Sjödin, Alexandra Coutinho, Hanna Edlund