
2017/10/23 New Papers(Nature, etc)


Nature Climate Change
1. Coral bleaching pathways under the control of regional temperature variability
C. E. Langlais, A. Lenton, S. F. Heron, C. Evenhuis, A. Sen Gupta, J. N. Brown & M. Kuchinke

2. Weakening of the North American monsoon with global warming
Salvatore Pascale, William R. Boos,         Simona Bordoni, Thomas L. Delworth, Sarah B. Kapnick, Hiroyuki Murakami, Gabriel A. Vecchi               & Wei Zhang

Nature Communication
3. Younger Dryas ice margin retreat triggered by ocean surface warming in central-eastern Baffin Bay
Mimmi Oksman, Kaarina Weckström, Arto Miettinen, Stephen Juggins, Dmitry V. Divine, Rebecca Jackson, Richard Telford, Niels J. Korsgaard & Michal Kucera

4. Coralgal reef morphology records punctuated sea-level rise during the last deglaciation
Pankaj Khanna, André W. Droxler, Jeffrey A. Nittrouer, John W. Tunnell Jr & Thomas C. Shirley

Nature Geoscience
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